Raymond Ruka

An Ode To love



To Love


In the Isles of the Long White Cloud, 

Aotearoa, New Zealand we have multiple faiths

and choristers that have wed with our Peace Nation’s collective

of rainbow-colored minstrels, gardeners, artists, orators, and healers –

each arrived to become their truest self at long, long, last.


On being gifted to hear those whispering calls in the ether

or having deciphered the rhyme and reasoning for their lives

that had been accompanied by bowed or plucked instruments

picked from the vine of life since before time began by the angels

who broke our hearts by leaving us behind 

while they were still innocent infants.


We ask you all to take a pause and come stand in common cause,

that our one voice will awaken our incredible potential.

Then we’ll welcome our gentle peace dove…


…Otherwise called, Everlasting Love.