Raymond Ruka

Our House

Our House is a sacred House – A Mothering House

Beloved, Welcome,


Please leave your shoes, your bags, and baskets at the door.

Stand a brief moment in silence while Grandfather Sun drapes you with the dappling heat of His presence

Now bend your head low under the rainbow as you step across our threshold and reenter the womb of Matriarch.

Come Beloved

Our House is a sacred House

A Mothering House

Please tread softly within Her

There is a container waiting holding the gift of spring waters from the mountains

Immerse your hands amid the petals of wildflowers in the fields

After a little while

If you choose, light a candle of gratitude.

Our house is the keeper, not of secrets, but of confidences shared

Its walls are stained with all the stories that have been spilled, the anger felt and freed and the solemn quiet of peace being reembraced. To these silent, standing sentinels has been bequeathed the sacred guardianship of all those histories and mysteries.

In your quiet time, touch, and whisper to them if you wish.

Add to them, be strengthened by them – Choice is an armor-plated freedom here  


Come Beloved

There are spirits of this ancient land waiting here to welcome you home, when, and only, you are ready.


Let the blossom

Within You



Tihei Mauri Ora – We Breath and Have Life